It may sound like a bitching session, but it’s not. Actually I was going through older posts today & it’s easier to go through 2008 & 2009. Anyway, I haven’t touched 2010. I think we went mad in that year.
When I saw this write-up on Barry Pepper, it reminded me that I wanted to go on a long drive with him & I was so obsessed with this idea for a year & that’s one hell of a long time, cause I get over people & obsessions. I don’t know how do people manage to stay crazy all their lives. I, for the most part, get over my crazy fantasies & lousy crushes. It has invariably been pure crap & I don’t have much luck in these things.
Speaking of which reminds me of Rani jee & RajKumar Gupta. Now this man has fallen for Rani & yesterday I reported about it on our other blog. He must be totally nuts over her, cause people on the set also noticed his love. But when I saw him, the only thing that came in my mind was bas in k pass dil hai & no doubt it’s a good one. He seems genuinely interested in her & when a man is interested, nothing comes in his way.
While I was thinking about this story, I thought about few other people. It’s a pity that they were not being noticed even though their feelings were true. I have written love letters for some of my acquaintances & once I even charged a friend of Z. I’m glad I did that. She was a bitch & I don’t know why she wanted to impress that bastard, but that letter somehow clicked. I had to make it sound fake so that it would go with her personality & you won’t believe it, she was very thankful for everything.
I’ve been acquainted with a couple of bitches & besides this particular bitch, the others were also not much to look at but these women never have any problem to call someone ugly. Although I can write about almost anything, but in real life, you can’t say anything to such people (you’re at a loss), cause it would sound so mean to say ‘why don’t you have a good look at yourself.’ I think some people work hard to look ugly & it’s not how one looks, it’s how you go around lying, hurting, deceiving, & betraying people which makes you look repulsive.You can talk to an ugly looking person with a straight face, but you can't & won't do that with an ugly human.
Few days ago, I did write on the circulation of pics on FB. Unfortunately I know a lady whose pics are always in circulation. I just met her once, but even I get to see every unique pic of hers. The thing is…she’s not even remotely cute or anything, but she calls herself hot & thinks too highly of herself & naturally all this happens. No one misses an opportunity of jeering at her behind her back. In this case, ignorance is definitely a bliss.
I just write things. It’s like if something bothers me or if I think about it, I just say it. And more importantly, I never bother anyone to read my blog.